The Personal (4 hrs)

The Personal (4 hrs)


The Personal First-Class Lifestyle Consulting Service

No matter the size, brand, or style of your planner, you may opt for any size consultation.

She’s the most coveted size. She fits everywhere. All brands carry her cut. If there’s a handbag she’s in it. The handbag is chosen for her. She has ruined wallets by becoming them. She has dedicated her life to keeping you put together and she has saved entire corporations from becoming insolvent post cataclysmic fire. Imagine what she can do for you.

You will receive four hours of first-class lifestyle consulting and in order to maximize our time together you will have completed and sent an intake form (available for download post check-out) which allows us to make the greatest impact in developing your personalized first-class lifestyle.

Because each consulting session is tailored to you and your needs, we will cover topics you actually want. Some of those might include:

Personal Mission Statement Development

Finding Your Purpose In Life In Less Than 15 Minutes

Planner Integration With The Rest Of Your Life + Goals

Weeding Out Sticking Points And Getting Unstuck

Developing A List of First-Class Habits Specifically Tailored For You

Luxury is defined by the availability of choices. You decide the time and day of your session. Let’s get your first-class lifestyle started.

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