Episode 97 How To Get Out Of Stuck
How To Get Out Of Stuck.
Changes in our lives or our circumstances can often throw ourselves out of balance. At times like these it is increasingly important to use your planner to the full.
We discuss how your planner can help you get out of these sticky situations.
Thank you to all our Patreon supporters in helping bringing you this episode.
Thank you to Maria Clelia Talò for the topic suggestion.
If you have ideas for future episodes, please send them to podcast at philofaxy dot com
Show Notes (timings approximate)
00:00 - Introductions.
01:50 - Article - Challenging Success via Failure by Carlin Flora.
04:00 - Everything appears to be under control... or is it!
05:30 - Keeping life/work flowing whilst coping with unexpected events.
08:00 - Reducing your stress levels.
09:30 - Always write it down, do not attempt to memorise everything.
11:00 - Helping you get out of stuck.
16:00 - Defining the indicators to confirm your success.
17:30 - Reach out to the planner community to help your planner issues.
19:30 - Using other resources.
22:00 - Suggested Instagram hash tag #stevesmessyplanner
24:00 - Small changes can help you see your way out of stuck.
26:00 - Why are you doing this?
29:30 - Become a Patron and take a look at the Patreon page.
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You can listen to this and past episodes on Mixcloud using their app or your normal web browser.
A direct download is also available here:Episode97.mp3
Presenters- Karine Tovmassian and Steve Morton
Editing and Production- Steve Morton
Our Websites:
Karine:Plannerology, Throat Punch Resumes, IG: Karine Tovmassian
Steve:Philofaxy,Travellers Notebook Times, IG: Mr Philofaxy, Steve Morton
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