Episode 90 Avoid Mistakes In Planning

Pitfalls and frustrations in planning and how to avoid them. We have all been there I'm sure.

With a guest appearance of Onslow, Karine's British bulldog.

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Show Notes
(timings approximate)
00:00 - Introductions.
02:00 - Picking the right size planner.
03:00 - Test out the different sizes before investing a lot of money in a particular size.
06:00 - Don't fall in to the trap of 'Flavour of the month on Instagram'.
08:00 - What works for others might not work for you.
09:00 - Finding the correct inserts for you.
09:30 - Test out an insert for a week or two.
10:30 - Pick a simple layout to maximise the use of the page.
12:00 - Choosing the right pens that work for you and the paper you are using.
14:00 - Try to avoid duplicating entries in more than one place.
16:00 - Cut down on the accessories you are carrying in your planner.
17:30 - Lighter planners with smaller rings can be more efficient.
19:00 - Buying something and then selling straight away... give it some more time.
24:00 - Run your existing system with a new system to see what the difference might be.
26:00 - It is ok to use different formats for different functions.

Episode 90 - Avoiding mistakes in planning

A direct download is also available here:Episode90.mp3

Presenters- Karine Tovmassian and Steve Morton
Editing and production- Steve Morton

Our Websites:
Karine:Plannerology, ThroatPunchResumes.com, Karine Tovmassian(IG)
Steve:Philofaxy, Travellers Notebook Times, IG: Mr PhilofaxySteve Morton

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