The Streamlined Life by Karine Tovmassian
The first book published in the United States by Author Karine Tovmassian
Making its debut at PlannerCon 2017

How to Transition from the Military Without Throat Punching Anyone in the Process by Karine Tovmassian
Transitioning is a process. You don't wake up one day and say, "Ok, let's start civilian-ing." It doesn't work that way, hero. Try as you might, there is still a massive warrior inside of you, just dying to knife-hand someone. This is a good thing.

The Medic's Wife by Karine Tovmassian
I spent most of my days in country practicing the job: hours and hours of sheer boredom, interspersed with moments of sheer terror. Twenty minutes, 30 minutes, an hour, 2, 10, “what difference does it make?” I asked myself. “These are all lost hours and for what?” And then…
“Gotcha, motherfucker.” The exhilarating thrill, captured in a moment. Breathing begins again.